EasyMapper Download

Install EasyMapper here for free. You can use the program without registration, but the number of topics per mind map is limited to 50 (see How to license EasyMapper).

System Requirements

- Windows 10 or later

- 107 MB disk

- 4 MB of RAM

About the version

Version ID: 2.0.122. Published on 19/01/2023.

Note: this English version and the Portuguese version cannot both be installed on the same computer.

For users of versions 1.x

Important changes were made in version 2.0, as in the format file. If you are going to update EasyMapper, be sure to read the section of changes at the beggining of the programa Help.

An alert about... alerts

When you download the installer, you may see a warning message from the browser that the program is not safe. Also, when running the installer, you may get a similar alert from Windows and an antivirus. These messages occur when a program does not have a certificate issued by an authorized institution.

In the case of Windows, alerts are also related to the level of security configured in UAC, acronym for User Account Control. Higher level, more restrictions.

Version 2.0 of EasyMapper, being beta, has not been certified yet, but it comes from a secure source (the developer who wrote those thousands of lines of code!) and you can confirm all alerts. If a screen like below shows up, click More info so that the authorization button be shown.


Click here to download the EasyMapper installer (.msi, 69 MB)


Run the downloaded installer. Version 1.x installations are not impacted; an existing installation of version 2.0 must be previously uninstalled.

In case of alerts, confirm them as informed above.

The installer associates the file type .easyx with EasyMapper, so you can open files with that extension with a double click.


Run EasyMapper from the last screen of the installer or from the Start menu, EasyMapper 2.0 folder.


If you have a license for the program, please register again (Help button/Register).